4 Star Wacky Wizard Anime
This is the continuation of the saga of the Fairy Tail Guild from episode #49-#60 and from the pen of Hiro Mashima, (Monster Hunter Orage).
Even though these episodes are PG rated there are an awfully large amount of sexual innuendoes, (French maids that are into lesbian BDSM) just for starters.
if you don't get it it won't affect you, but if parents catch a glimpse
or a conversation by accident there might be some strong words
exchanged before they realise its anime.
The Fairy Tails main male protagonist is the fire wizard Natsu,(Rosey
Spiky hair) who has a happy go lucky approach to life but at the drop
of a hat he will be scrapping with his guild brother Gray, (Black spiky
hair) over who is the best, Natsu's fire or Gray's ice magic.
episodes cover young peoples issues such as their first
boyfriend/girlfriend feelings and those of parental pressures such as
Lucy, (blond hair) and her wealthy father.
Even with their own problems, bigger things are in the offing.
Read the full Review at Road Rash Review
Available to Buy on DVD and Blu-ray Now
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